
GDPR should be simple. As the price, which includes all modules and an unlimited number of users per VAT number.

Pay with your mobile, you provide personal data

An attractive GDPR solution

We have made it easy to manage GDPR. One price, one subscription and one GDPR solution with everything included.

Only € 700 per year*



Simple & straightforward

  • only € 58.50 per month*
  • all-inclusive
  • no credit card information required
  • no commitment
  • free support
  • try free for 14 days



Plenty of support



Always updated

* excl. VAT – paid annually in advance (€ 700/year)

Being compliant with GDPR is good for your business...

The level of customer trust in companies without and with GDPR compliance
Not GDPR compliant 66%
GDPR compliant 84%

GDPR-compliant companies outperforming peers across a wide range of metrics
Greg Sterling / Capgemini research 2019

Try it free for 14 days – or book a demo

Get started now – or get a brief overview of the solution and how it can help you in your daily work. No commitment · no credit card · full access · full support

Start your free trial today

Try the Lexoforms tool without paying anything for two weeks. Then you can test whether the GDPR solution is right for you. You get full access to the entire platform and full support during the trial period – and if you subsequently choose to subscribe, all data is saved.

You get…

  • full access to the GDPR tool
  • full support throughout the trial period
  • access to approved advisors

Please enter your VAT below

no strings attached · no credit card · full access · full support

Book a demo

Get a guided tour through our tool and have all you questions answered. Book 30 min. or an hour.

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