For Industry Associations
We collaborate with numerous industry associations and interest organizations across the country, and if you are a member of one of them, you have the opportunity to gain several additional benefits.
As a member of a loyalty club, you provide personal data
Find your Industry Association
If you are a member of an industry association or interest organization we work with, you can get discounts and participate in industry-specific webinars and workshops. You may also have access to industry-specific customizations and specialized advisors. Check here if your association is on the list
Are you an Industry Association?
If you work in the secretariat or the board of a trade association or interest organisation, we offer a tailored solution for your members.
This might include industry specific consulting, courses, discounts and customizations that incorporate industry-specific IT systems and templates into the GDPR solution itself.
Contact us on 87 700 800 or to learn more – or click here:
"The risks associated with GDPR non-compliance are increasing"
General Data Protection Regulation (in Ireland)
McCann Fitzgerald/Mazars, januar 2022
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- Aktive Ejere
- Camping Outdoor danmark
- Cereda
- Danmarks Restauranter og Cafeer (DRC)
- Dansk Detail
- Dansk Industri
- Danske Advokater
- Design Denmark
- Dansk PersonTransport
- DTL Dansk Transport & Logistik
- Danske Soloselvstændige
- Forenede Danske Antenneanlæg (FDA)
- Foreningen af Lystbådehavne i Danmark (FLID)
- FDR - Foreningen Danske Revisorer
- FSR - danske revisorer
- IT-Branchen
- Arbejdsgiverforeningen KA
- Selveje Danmark
- Skorstensfejerlauget af 11. Februar 1778
- SMVdanmark
- TungVognsSpecialisten
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