
Do you have questions about your subscription? Find the most common questions and answers right here.

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Contact support

You can always get help if you have questions about our solution – or maybe find answers below.

Our support is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00.

Phone +45 78 700 800

Do you have questions about support?

The solution includes free support for the platform and any technical challenges. On the platform, you can also find free help videos that guide you through all the menu options.

You can find the video guides under Help.

You can always contact our support either via the contact form on the platform, via email at or via phone at 78 700 800.

With the Lexoforms platform, ANYONE can handle the GDPR task. The solution guides you step-by-step through creating the mandatory documentation – and many fields are already filled in with legally correct text that can be used directly or slightly adjusted to fit your specific situation.

Additionally, there are help videos, support, and skilled advisors.

Lexoforms is impartial, so if you have questions about GDPR, law, or IT, we refer you to our screened and approved advisors, which you can find under the Advisors menu on the platform or right here. You are also welcome to contact us first if you need help finding the perfect match with an advisor.

The advisors on the list are familiar with the platform and can access your solution online to help you directly in the system.

Lexoforms provides support for the platform, including setup, menus, and guides, etc. However, if you need specialized advice on GDPR, law, and IT security, etc., we refer you to our skilled approved advisors, who can access your platform and help you directly online.

You can find the list of advisors under the Advisors menu or right here.

Book a demo

Get a guided tour through our tool and have all you questions answered. Book 30 min. or an hour.

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Do you have questions about your trial period?

Click on Free trial at the top right, enter your company details, email, and mobile number – and you now have access to the solution. If you wish to continue using the solution before the free trial period expires, you can pay by entering your card on your dashboard.

Your trial period automatically ends after 14 days. If you do not actively sign up for the paid version, the trial version will close, and you can no longer work on the platform with your data. After 30 days, all information is deleted.

We do not differentiate between paying customers and those on the free trial period – if you need support, you are always welcome to call 78 700 800 or write to

All entered data during the trial period will still be available if you sign up for the paid solution. So, you can safely register all your systems during the trial period.

When you pay for your subscription with a payment card on the platform, you will subsequently receive an invoice by e-mail, including information that the invoice has been paid. You will also receive this after a year when your card is automatically debited for the coming year.

A subscription to Lexoforms is paid annually via card or invoice*On your dashboard under "Your subscription" you can always find your invoices.

* If you wish to pay via invoice, you must contact us to make an arrangement.

When you click "login" you have the option to click "forgot password." We will then send you an e-mail with a link where you can enter a new password. You can always change your password later under the "Profile" menu.

Do you have questions about Lexoforms?

Et enkelt, online værktøj til lovpligtig dokumentation af persondata. Platformen laver automatisk de nødvendige, lovpligtige dokumenter på baggrund af de oplysninger, I indtaster i systemet. Nemt og enkelt.

Lexoforms' all-in-one solution includes:

  • Mapping tool – quickly provides a good overview
  • Unique system approach – a "top-down approach"
  • Predefined and filled-in suggestions for legal basis, purpose, and deletion rules, etc.
  • Automatic creation of dynamic documents and templates
  • Automatic updates for changes in legislation and practice
  • Tasks (annual wheel) – keep track of all tasks and keep documentation up-to-date
  • Risk assessment (including risk report) – viewed from the data subject's perspective
  • Insight module – help with handling received requests
  • Incident module – manage and document personal data breaches
  • Unlimited number of users – involve your colleagues and employees in the tasks

A tailored online solution provides an easy and clear overview of all personal data you store and process in the company and ensures that you comply with the GDPR regulations.

The big difference is the ongoing updates and controls, where a regular spreadsheet falls short. GDPR is not a one-time task – it is a process.

When you create your company on Lexoforms, you can start right away. In Lexoforms, you need to map which systems you collect, store, and process data in. Lexoforms has a system approach that simplifies the mapping process compared to the process approach, which can often become very extensive.

Both the platform and standard texts are available in Danish and English.

You cancel your subscription by sending us a written cancellation by email. The subscription must be canceled 1 day before the due date for the next payment.


If you have questions about GDPR, our solution, or anything else, you can book a meeting with Martin or Daniel. Book 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour.

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Book a meeting when it suits you – or receive a call from us.