Terms and Subscription Conditions

Use a payment card, you provide personal data

Terms and Subscription Conditions

By using the Lexoforms platform, you agree to our terms and subscription conditions.

1. Prices

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the current prices on the website apply. Prices are always exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.

The annual subscription price grants access to the Lexoforms platform for an unlimited number of users. Documents are created and stored on the platform – an average customer will typically create/store a total of 30-50 documents. We reserve the right to renegotiate the terms if the total number of documents for a customer exceeds 300 stored documents.

If a trial period is chosen, the first 14 days are free and without obligation. If payment is not made, the system will be closed after 15 days, and the registered personal data will be deleted 30 days thereafter.

2. Betaling

Lexoforms' payment terms require prepayment before access is granted to the Lexoforms platform unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The following payment cards are accepted: Dankort, Maestro, Visa, and MasterCard.

A transaction fee may be applied. Any imposed fees will be displayed in the payment window. Transaction fees will not exceed the values set by Nets and/or Clearhaus.

Payment is processed via Quickpay when the customer has accepted Lexoforms’ trade and subscription terms. All payments are made over secure, encrypted connections. For subscriptions with prepayment for 1 year, the next payment will be charged on the anniversary of the first payment. If the first payment was made on January 9th, year 1, the next payment will be charged on January 9th, year 2. If the first payment was made on February 29th, subsequent payments will be charged on February 28th. A payment receipt will be sent by email immediately after the transaction is completed. The receipt will also be available under the invoice overview on lexoforms.com.

You can replace your payment card when logged in if you have received a new card or simply wish to use another one.

If the customer or advisor does not pay on time and the delay is not due to Lexoforms, Lexoforms is entitled to calculate interest on arrears from the due date at a rate of 1.5% per commenced month and to demand payment for all invoiced services regardless of previously agreed credit terms.

Failure to pay by the due date may result in the case being transferred to a debt collection agency, which may incur additional collection costs. Additionally, the customer's or advisor's access to the Lexoforms platform will be closed, and data will be deleted no later than 3 years after the due date in accordance with the Statute of Limitations.

If the customer uses services from an advisor, whether the advisor is listed on the Lexoforms website or not, the customer agrees and settles for the advisor's services directly with the advisor and not via the Lexoforms platform.

In the event of termination of the cooperation between the customer and the advisor, the customer retains the right to continue the subscription with the data stored on Lexoforms.

3. Right of Withdrawal

There is no right of withdrawal for business customers under these terms.

4. Copyright

Lexoforms holds the copyright to documents, tools, guidance, guides, videos, and all other materials created by Lexoforms and included in the Lexoforms platform.

The Lexoforms platform and the documents created by Lexoforms may not be copied, used, or sold outside the Lexoforms platform. Violation results in an obligation to pay a contractual penalty of DKK 50,000 each time a violation occurs. Additionally, compensation is paid to Lexoforms in accordance with Danish law.

Lexoforms grants customers and advisors a non-exclusive right to use the Lexoforms platform, which may not be used by/for others or to process data or provide other services for others.

By using the Lexoforms platform, both the customer and the advisor accept these terms.

5. Transfer

Lexoforms has the right to freely transfer its rights and obligations towards customers and advisors to an affiliated company or a third party in connection with a business transfer. Lexoforms also has the right to use subcontractors, including for system operation and data storage.

6. Confidentiality

Information entered by the customer and advisor in the Lexoforms platform or otherwise shared with Lexoforms is treated confidentially and not disclosed to others outside the Lexoforms group except in the cases mentioned in section 5.

Data in the Lexoforms platform can be used for statistical purposes and to develop or improve functions. Lexoforms does not use data that can identify the customer or advisor.

7. Updates

Lexoforms reserves the right to update and change the Lexoforms platform. It is aimed to perform these updates without inconvenience to the customer or advisor. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to close access to the Lexoforms platform while updates are made. Lexoforms sends an informative email to the customer and advisor when updates are made.

8. E-mail Dispatch

Lexoforms sends information e-mails and relevant service notifications via email to the customer and advisor unless they opt out of receiving these.

9. Limitation of Liability

Lexoforms is not liable for indirect losses, consequential damages, business interruptions, loss of data, and the cost of data restoration or loss of profit, regardless of whether it is due to simple or gross negligence.

Lexoforms is not responsible for the customer's choice of advisor, regardless of whether the advisor is listed on the Lexoforms website.

Lexoforms' liability is limited to an amount that does not exceed the customer's or advisor's most recent annual subscription price.

10. Changes to Standard Text or Additions in Free Text Fields

If the customer or advisor changes Lexoforms' standard texts and/or adds text in free text fields, Lexoforms no longer guarantees that the documents are consistent and comply with data protection regulations. Additionally, customers and advisors should be aware that updates made by Lexoforms may conflict with the individual text entered or changed by the customer or advisor.

11. Cookies

Read more about our cookie policy here.

12. Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Read more about our privacy and confidentiality policy here.

13. Data Processing Agreement

Lexoforms has access to your personal data and is therefore a data processor. It is a legal requirement that a data processing agreement is prepared, which you must review and approve. You will be asked to approve the data processing agreement when using the full solution.

14. Duration of the Agreement

The agreement period is from the date of entry and for 12 months. The agreement is automatically extended for 12 months unless terminated by the customer with one day's notice or by the advisor with three months' notice to the end of an agreement period. The minimum commitment period is 12 months. The agreement must be terminated in writing and can be sent by email to info@lexoforms.com or by mail to Lexoforms A/S, Vejlsøvej 51, Building O, DK-8600 Silkeborg.

15. Changes

Lexoforms reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Significant changes to the terms will be notified and may provide the opportunity to terminate the subscription early.

16. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute or disagreement arising in connection with this agreement must be resolved through mediation by the Mediationsinstituttet, and must take place in accordance with the Institute's applicable "Rules for the handling of cases by the Mediation Institute". When a dispute arises, any party is entitled to submit a request to the Mediation Institute to initiate mediation.

Mediation does not preclude the use of legal remedies such as arrest and injunctions and does not prevent a party from filing a lawsuit in court or taking other legal steps to avoid time-barred claims or limitations.

If the dispute is not resolved through mediation, any party is entitled to bring the case before the Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen.


The terms and conditions were last updated: March 31, 2022.


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